Royal Bay Dental Co.

Preventative Dentistry

Staying on top of your dental hygiene can help prevent problems down the road.



We have all heard that prevention is the best medicine, and this is true when it comes to your oral health. When we take a proactive and preventive approach to our oral healthcare we are able to maintain a state of health and avoid the larger dental issues that can present when we avoid seeking routine dental care.


Our philosophy has been to create an environment and oral healthcare experience that is actually enjoyable and a true pleasure for our patients to seek out. This makes visiting the Royal Bay Dental Co. a day that you and your family look forward to!

At your preventative hygiene appointment, our gentle, compassionate hygienist will perform a thorough assessment of your gum health and will collaborate alongside the doctor to formulate an individualized plan to ensure we restore or maintain your oral health to the greatest potential. At this visit, we will listen to any concerns or questions you may have, take any recommended x-rays necessary to your specific needs, and perform a 3D wellness scan with our iTero intraoral scanner. This 3D wellness scan is exciting new technology that takes a full record of your teeth and gums once a year so we can closely monitor for stability or any changes that might be occurring that the eye might not catch and intervene before any damage is done.


Prevention is KEY

Our team will also take this opportunity to review any relevant findings from your dental history and exam and offer counselling on areas of diet, oral hygiene techniques and tools, and how we should be caring for our teeth and gums outside of the dental office. This can include discussing the effects of dietary or intrinsic acid erosion that could be having negative effects on your teeth and how we can prevent or protect from this. We also carry a number of products we stand behind to ensure your teeth and gums are maintained in their best state. These include Sonicare toothbrushes, Waterpik waterflosser, and cocofloss.

Scheduling your visit with our team of hygienists and doctors at least twice a year, alongside great home care, will ensure your teeth are given the care and attention they will need to shine their best!

New Patients & Emergency Appointments Welcome!