Royal Bay Dental Co.

Gum Contouring

Harmony in a smile is achieved when balance, proportion and symmetry exist between both your teeth and your gums.



What makes a truly beautiful smile is the harmony between the face, the teeth and the gum architecture. Often this last point is missed in discussion of improving smiles, but treating any excess gum display in a smile can provide impressive results in the improvement of your smile.
Gum Contouring Victoria, BC


Gum contouring with our laser technology offers a solution to address excess or uneven gum tissue around your teeth. This option is conservative, pain-free and requires no recovery. Our dentists will use a gentle diode laser to contour and level the gum tissue of your smile to create a beautiful, symmetrical result in a single visit with immediate results.

One common reason we see patients for smile consultations is that they feel their teeth look small. Upon detailed examination by our experienced dentists we often identify that the teeth are not small (although they do appear this way), rather there is excess gum tissue covering the teeth. By sculpting the gum tissue around these teeth and revealing more of the tooth we are able to achieve ideal tooth size proportions in a conservative treatment option with impressive results.

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